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Rebuilding Acceleration Framework for Ukraine - a set of methods, tools and organizational principles that will ensure the advanced post-war reconstruction and development of Ukrainian communities.
In 2001, the book by Yevhen Marchuk "Ukraine: a new paradigm of progress" was published. One of the messages of the work was the idea of relying on the concept of advanced development. Namely, to create points of economic growth around universities, free economic zones and professional communities, which would be based on the latest technologies available in the world. At that time the chance was lost.
The war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine in its full-scale phase since February 24, 2022, raises the question of the national paradigm of post-war reconstruction and development more urgently than ever before.
What is the essence of advanced development? Using the latest available technologies, rethinking prospects, gaining new knowledge and skills, we have the opportunity to rebuild cities and villages that will immediately become the most modern in the world. In which everything necessary for the maximum comfort, safety and efficiency of coexistence of people in the community is laid down at the level of town-planning principles.
Not all communities will suffer equally, some have already been destroyed, some have survived the occupation, some are still under the occupation, some are left by almost all residents, and in some newcomers have arrived. But everyone will need post-war economic mobilization. In different forms but with one goal - to be reborn.
Therefore, the following questions seem logical:
● Should we rebuild the destroyed? Should we rebuild the destroyed as it was? Who has the competences to make such decisions?
● What do we take from the past as something valuable and take it into the future of our country and our communities?
● What should the post-war economic, social and political mobilization of society look like?
● What should be preserved as a historical memory of current events? How should this be integrated into the school education process and the adult civic education process?
● What institutions are needed for advanced development? How should they work? Which of the current institutions (and how) we should transform and which we should close and forget?
● What other questions (tens, hundreds, thousands of questions) do we need to ask ourselves in our communities so as not to lose the chance for advanced development?
NGO IPID in cooperation with World of Communities LLC initiates the development of a framework (a set of tools and methodologies) through which the working group in any community will be able to initiate and organize the development and implementation of a plan for early (acceleration) reconstruction of their community in the postwar period.
What do we take from the past without change? What do we modify, correct, adjust? What do we create from scratch?
What specialsts and new skills are needed for rapid rethinking, post-war rebuilding and further development?
What are we rebuilding from the destroyed and with what changes?What are we building new? We biuld for what and for whom?
Who will live in the rebuilt communities? What is the attractiveness of new communities? How will revived communities be born and live?
Key roles
On April 2, 2022, the first workshop with the participation of representatives of very different expert circles took place in Lutsk. Participants outlined the range of challenges that communities that need to be rebuilt are bound to face. According to the results of many hours of discussions in small and large groups, we can derive three key roles on which the post-war development in the community will depend:
Rebuilding committee
Mobilized expert environment, which in the format of "headquarters" will develop a concept and strategy for community reconstruction. As in wartime, post-war mobilization will require the widest possible involvement and consolidation of all influential forces in the community around a single goal - advanced development.
Enterprises, institutions and organizations that are ready to take on the implementation of certain elements (projects) of the strategy proposed by the headquarters. Post-war reconstruction will require new skills, organizational forms and management principles, which organizations and businesses should already think about.
People and structures that can finance the implementation of reconstruction projects. At the same time, funding should be provided at many times higher level of transparency and accountability and many times more efficient decisions on its allocation.
Join the movement
Fill out the form and send it to us. After that, we will join you in a community that is working on a set of tools for early community reconstruction.
Challenges and identified risks
that that must be taken into account in the first place when forming a committee for post-war community reconstruction.(The order of items in the list is not in priority, the numbered list is selected only for ease of use).
1. Integration of IDPs.
Working only with IDPs can provoke new conflicts in communities - why do you work only with IDPs and not with other groups in the community? Why are newcomers invited to meetings and art therapy sessions, and local children are forced to stay at home because everything is closed?
2. Municipal management.
Usually ineffective pre-war community management models are inadequate and cannot meet the challenges of wartime and reconstruction.
3. People.
Formal institutions in communities that did not explore their existing human potential before the war do not do so in the context of those who moved to them as a result of the war. Therefore, there is not even a basic understanding of one's potential and what to do with IDPs.
4. Staff.
Reconstruction of communities will require specialists in vocational and technical specialties. This deficit was observed before the war, and will grow on a larger scale in the postwar period. Lack of professional staffing, organizational processes and documentation can hamper the rapid process of attracting investment in community reconstruction. We may face a situation where there is money for reconstruction, but there are no staff and teams with mental readiness / ability to perform intellectually complex work.
Відбудова громад потребуватиме спеціалістів професійно-технічних спеціальностей. Цей дефіцит спостерігався до війни, і набере більших масштабів у повоєнний час. Брак професійного кадрового забезпечення, організаційних процесів та документації може стати на заваді швидкому процесу залучення інвестицій у відбудову громад. Можемо зіткнутись із ситуацією коли гроші на відбудову є, але кадрів і команд з психічною готовністю/спроможністю виконувати інтелектуально складну роботу немає.
5. Inclusion.
Inclusion becomes a challenge №1. How to involve different groups of people, especially those who went through the war or suffered from the war, in the process of reconstruction, so that the rebuilt post-war life in the community was equally comfortable for all?
6. Erosion of institutions.
The distance from the needs of reality (municipalities, schools, libraries, etc.) will continue. If they do not transform, they will become a burden to the community. If the institutions work in the old way (and in most cases, even during the war, they do so), it is impossible to count on any other development than before the war.
7. Mass PTSD.
We still have to find the answer to the question - how to overcome the psychological consequences of war in millions of people? Apart from pyrotechnics under the windows in the yards, what will be illegal? How to reduce the manifestation of survivor complex?
8. Local economy.
How can communities receive businesses from other regions and not to lose their own ones? Community have to decide what kind of business it wants to welcome and how to organize this process. Rebuilding of communities may take more time than expected, so business may not be able to cope with it and will close.
9. Logistics.
The old approaches to stockpile planning and management, food security, and the country's internal cohesion are likely to need to be revised.
10. Humanitarian decline.
Because of the urgent need to rebuild infrastructure, possible famines, epidemics, cultural and educational needs may not be a priority.
11. Ecology.
The war creates new environmental problems and exacerbates the old ones. There is an urgent need to conduct a costly environmental audit, assess the losses due to the war and the community's suitability to continue living in it (who will do it, for what money and by what method?).
12. Infrstructure.
The infrastructure of the community will most likely be rebuilt by strangers who will build and move, or rebuild and stay, and "we will have no place here."
13. Witch-hunt.
After the end of the war, postponed conflicts will come to the surface, the search for the guilty, "involved" or, conversely - "not involved", corrupt, etc. will be actualized. This is another stage of the civil war, which can consume a significant amount of financial resources, attention and time. At the same time, evil cannot go unpunished.
14. New conflicts.
Linguistic, religious and other conflicts can be actualized on a new scale. It is time to think about policies that will help avoid the critical influence of factors that have provoked conflicts between us in the past.
15. Corruption.
Corruption, inefficient public administration, non-transparent use of resources - all this has gone nowhere, has subsided and is waiting for its new heyday. Corrupt schemes will consume a significant part of the funds allocated for reconstruction, and developers can quickly lobby for their interests - the allocation of land, non-transparency of processes, demolition of historically significant objects for the rapid construction of new ones. Reconstruction can be chaotic, without prior research and planning.
16. They owe us.
Rapid mass rooting of consumerism towards international aid. On the one hand, this will significantly undermine Ukraine's image, on the other hand - not receiving help from Western countries, or receiving it not for what we really need - will cause despair in the active part of society. At the same time, we should remember that they really owe us.
17. Falling into same traps.
Repetition of past mistakes - receiving fundings from international technical assistance projects and working with contrived topics that do not solve real problems of people in the community.